When you rent them you should enable autopay, As a result,
You can find them that those who click company ads his active days show 31 days
and Those who does click that day, his actve days show 29 days. It means, they
are not punctual, Follow them above system. If their activities show same till
7 days. Recycle them with the rental balance or point. Note. Both rent or
recycle would be 2 pm. Because this time is perfect for getting a good renter.
If your rental cost is .04 cent, you need to average click minimum 5. As a
result you can make profit from that rental, Calculate your earning such as
rental average click 5-4=1 means you make profit .01 cent daily from this
clicker. So you need not recycle him or her. If the rental average click rate
under 4 you are not gain or not not loss from that clicker but if the rental
average click rate is 3 or less you are get losing from this kind clickers. So
you should monitor rental regular. Follow this rule, control them above discussion,
you will sure gain from ptc site.
How to control the rent referrals
Md Azharul Islam